
Pastors & Staff

Don R. Chavis

Lead Pastor

Don, a native of West Columbia, South Carolina,  has led The Refuge, Vicenza since September 2023. He has spent over 30 years as a Youth Pastor, Associate Pastor, and Church Administrator. He has pastored in Palate, Florida, Chicago, Illinois and Lynch, Kentucky. He is single and enjoys traveling, watching sports and all things South Carolina Gamecocks.

Sylvia Mirabal

First Impressions Team Leader

Sylvia leads our First Impressions Welcome Team; this “Texarican” knows how to extend a cheerful and encouraging welcome every week to everyone entering our center!

Shaking a hand, giving smiles and hugs with a kind word is her specialty!  Loving God and loving people at The Refuge Vicenza is where you’ll find her!

Jeff Mirabal

Production Team Leader

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Martise Jackson, Sr.

Finance Team Leader

Martise, originally from Albany, Georgia serves as our church finance leader. He is an avid Georgia Bulldogs fan. He is married and has three children.

Yamileth Guerrero

Freedom Kids Team Leader

Yamileth leads our kid's ministry here at The Refuge.