
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

The Last, the Least, and the Lost make up over 3 billion of the world's total population--over 40%!  Most of these people reside in the 10/40 window and have little to no access to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Refuge, Vicenza wants to be a part of changing this critical situation. The great thing about prayer is that any time we speak with God, However, we must do more than just pray. We are choosing to be strategic in putting feet to our prayers. We have chosen to invest into the Harvest field through adopting missionaries who will go and Share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Active Missionaries

Larry & Glenna Odam

Based out of Tulsa, Oklahoma, Larry  & Glenna have been crossing the globe for many years sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ through Church of God World Missions. We are excited to partner with them as they build orphanages, feeding centers, and churches. They are gifted at sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ no matter what context they are serving in.

Europe's Child Missions

Europe's Child Missions is a missions ministry founded by our Lead Pastor, Don R. Chavis in 2012.
In parts of Europe tonight a child in extreme poverty will go to bed hungry. The same child is at risk for sex trafficking and has not been afforded an opportunity to receive proper nutrition, and education or even been introduced to the good news of Jesus Christ. Our commitment is to do everything within our power to reverse this crisis

Join the mission

Serve the Kingdom on our upcoming mission trip to Romania

Our next missions trip will take place December 3-10, 2024. This missions trip is  known as our Christmas for the Kids Project. We will spend 8 days visiting villages across the Black Sea area of Romania sharing gifts, food , humanitarian aid  and most importantly, The Good News of Jesus Christ to children in need. We would love for you to be a part of this exciting opportunity to bless kids at Christmas.

Encourage our active missionaries

Write and encouragement, question, or prayer and we'll connect you via email.