"These all died in faith, not having received the things promised, but having seen them and greeted them from afar, and having acknowledged that they were strangers and exiles on the earth." Hebrews 11:13 (ESV)
When we live pursuing a vision, we sweep others into movement. But we need to understand that the vision is of secondary importance to the pursuit. Hebrews explains that the people of faith did not receive the things promised. They did not see their vision fulfilled. Did that make them failures? Did that void their noble living? Did that make their lives a waste? Of course not.
If the vision itself is of primary importance, an unfulfilled vision voids all that precedes. In other words, if your dreams are dashed, your pursuit was a waste of time and effort. But if the dream is secondary to the pursuit, a strange thing happens. When you lose, you will win. If you don't get the championship ring, your dignity remains. If you don't get the job, your life is still intact. If your dream doesn't materialize, you can still inspire others to pursue theirs. Living in pursuit of a vision will shape how we live. If the pursuit of our vision is of primary importance, we can still inspire others to pursue their dreams even if we only greet ours from afar.
Today, my prayer for us is this:
God, give us eyes to see that you surround us as we live in pursuit. May our pursuit inspire others to dream big and go after their vision. ~ Amen

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