"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour." 1 Peter 5:8
The word sober in this verse has nothing to do with alcohol or drunkenness; here it means to have a clear mind, to be alert. To be vigilant means to be looking both outward and inward for something, to be ready. But ready for what?
The adversary. Our enemy, the devil. Sometimes this adversary is out sneaking around, hiding in bushes or creeping 'behind the scenes' in on us, but also look at the imagery used here by the author of Hebrews is that of a roaring lion. we know he is coming. In fact, he is announcing himself. We hear him. The soberness and vigilance is not about looking for him to arrive, but about being prepared for his arrival. God works with us so we not only know the roar of this lion, but also know what to de when he arrives. He has shown us that we are best prepared when we are sober and vigilant.

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